
The 教育学院 offers programs leading to master’s degrees and Sixth-Year diplomas in 小学 Education, 中等教育, Educational 政府 and Supervision, 和补习阅读, as well as certification in many subject areas and school administration. The school’s doctoral program focuses on the development of experienced leaders and practitioners in both the public and private sector.

How to Become a Teacher in CT Guide cover


How to Become a Teacher in CT Guide

We’ve prepared a special guide just for you.



A student of the education med online degree program in ct at UB

Master’s 教师领导 - online

Our master’s 教师领导 program is designed for creative and analytical advocates and educators just like you. You will develop the skills, 技术, and experience to increase access to learning by reducing and removing physical, 认知, 知识, and organizational barriers for your students.

M.Ed. 教师领导

A student pursuring elementary education ms degree in ct

小学教育硕士 or Sixth Year Diploma

The master’s in 小学 Education degree program offers the courses and classroom experience you need to successfully teach in elementary classrooms. You will gain extensive knowledge about teaching elementary subjects including literacy, 数学, 社会研究, 和科学.


A student pursuring elementary education ms degree in ct

中学教育硕士 or Sixth Year Diploma

If you are looking to teach students grades 7‑12, we encourage you to explore our initial teacher certification program for secondary education. You can complete the MS in 中等教育 degree program as either an intern or a traditional student, whichever works best with your busy lifestyle.


A student earning a student affairs administration and leadership med in ct

学生事务 政府 and Leadership (SAAL) MEd

This 学生事务 政府 and Leadership MEd hybrid degree program prepares candidates for student affairs positions in college and university settings as well as in business and industry, 非营利组织, 和基金会.



A student earning an educational leadership edd online in CT

教育领导.D. ——混合动力

The 教育领导.D. hybrid program offers you an expedited and convenient way of pursuing your doctoral degree with a specialization in International Education in as little as three years.

教育领导.D. 混合动力


A student pursuring a Educational 政府 and Supervision (092) in ct

Educational 政府 and Supervision (092)

This program prepares students for certification as an intermediate administrator in the state of CT. Students may obtain their 092 certification through the 6th year program, or by pursuing the 66‑credit track of the Ed.D. program, which can be completed in as little as 3.5年.

Educational 政府 and Supervision (092

A student pursuring elementary education ms degree in ct

小学 Sixth Year Diploma

The most popular certification program in the 教育学院 offers the courses and classroom experience you need to successfully teach in elementary classrooms.

小学 Sixth Year Diploma

A student pursuring a computer science cross-endorsement in ct

Computer Science cross-endorsement

UB will be one of the first schools in Connecticut to offer this teaching certification. The 12 credit program can be completed in as little as 3 semesters in person or online.

小学    二次

A student pursuring a music teaching certification in ct

Music Teaching Certification (K-12)

The Music Teaching Certification program allows musicians interested in teaching to develop their teaching skills while becoming state-certified in music (K-12).

Music Teaching Certification (K-12)

A student pursuring a Literacy Education Certification (097) in ct

Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097)

The Literacy Education Sixth Year Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) program is designed to prepare educators for leadership positions in elementary, 中间, 还有中学.

Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097)

A student pursuring Literacy Education - Literary Specialist  (102) in ct

补救阅读 & 语言艺术(102)

The Literary Specialist Sixth Year Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) is designed for certified teachers who elect graduate-level preparation beyond the master’s level; this DAS program leads to the Connecticut Initial Educator Certificate in 补救阅读 and Remedial 语言艺术(102), 等级1 - 12.

补救阅读 & 语言艺术(102)

A student pursuring a secondary education certification in ct

二次 Academic Subjects (Grades 7-12)

  • 业务
  • 英语
  • 历史及社会研究
  • 数学
  • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, and Physics)
  • 音乐(k - 12)




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