Congratulations UB Faculty, Staff, 学生

提交的提案 戴夫小结, Assistant 导演 of Internships 和 Experiential Learning, 里根狄龙, Social Media/ Marketing Manager (student employee), 大学就业中心传播专业人员协会(AU3CP)年度夏季系列会议被接受. Topic: Virtual Recruitment Week marketing 和 lessons learned. Dave 和 Regan will be presenting together this summer.


美国体操协会选择了U 贝基费拉罗 as its 2020 Assistant Coach of the year.

UB was named one of the Best 在线 Bachelor’s in Dental Hygiene per (2020)


三支UB学生团队参加了AIS分析挑战赛,其中两名学生的参赛作品被接受进入决赛, 一个人获得了第三名. 包括学生参与者 Trang阮, 马克斯Gbormittah, Krina Sanjay Shah, Sanjana Maras和ra Rangaraj, Tahseen艾哈迈德, 沛沛吴, An和 Mahant, 达善设 (2020)

Three UB interior design students participated in the International Art & 并获得了在佛罗伦萨著名的Riaci学院攻读硕士学位的奖学金, 意大利. 参与者包括老年人 阿什利·奥唐纳卡米洛·埃尔南德斯和junior 雨果Faustin. (2020)


Michael Lohle博士, senior lecturer in the School of 业务, 在第59届国际计算机信息系统协会(IACIS)会议上获得最佳论文奖, Honorable Mention in the Pedagogy Category for an article published in their journal 资讯系统问题. 这篇文章的题目是《在坚实的基础上:测试学生团队正规的网赌平台交付的理论模型并用它来评估学生团队危机管理和信任》.”

Tarek Sobh, PhD, P.E., executive vice president for the University 和 dean of the College of Engineering, 业务, 和教育被授予著名的2019年IEEE 1区技术创新(学术)奖.

魏春娟,博士 was invited by the UN to give a talk about U.S.(2019年10月).

奥马尔Abuzaghleh, assistant professor of engineering 和 technology, 获得2019年IEEE医学与生物工程奖论文评选委员会“用于黑色素瘤早期检测和预防的无创实时自动皮肤病变分析系统”三等奖.

马克·皮彻博士, director of Health Sciences Inter-Professional Research, was the PI on the April 2019 paper, “Prevalence 和 profile of high-impact chronic pain in the United States,,这篇文章被疼痛研究论坛评为年度十大十大网赌平台之一.


Milkeera布朗 (CPSC硕士学生) 迈克尔·约瑟夫 (博士CPSE), Shawnoah波洛克 (硕士CPSC学生),和 哈立德·埃利西博士, 研究生研究副院长兼工程学院副院长, 业务, 和教育, won the best paper award for their paper, “Vulnerability Analysis 和 Modeling,” at the 10th IEEE UEMCON 2019 held at Columbia University. (2019年10月)

Matheus利马, a master’s student in electrical engineering, was one of six recipients of the Tri-State AAAEA 2019 Scholarship Awards. 自2009年以来, 三州AAAEA为有抱负的工程师和建筑师颁发了60多个奖学金,以表彰他们在学术上的卓越表现.

梅林达迪莱尔, fourth semester nutrition student, 在圣地亚哥举行的美国营养学院年会上展示了她的海报和题为“环境对先兆子痫的影响和潜在的营养干预”的论文, CA. Her essay won a conference scholarship. (2019年11月)


林赛·克里斯滕森,19岁 在圣地亚哥举行的美国营养学院年会上发表了题为“个性化营养在莱姆病康复中的正规的网赌平台”的研究简报, CA. (2019年11月)


埃琳娜·卡希尔,J.D.欧内斯特C. Trefz School of 业务, received the 创业创新 & 领导奖 at the Annual Women of Innovation event sponsored by The Connecticut Technology Council. Here is an excerpt from her nominator’s submission: “As an entrepreneur, 律师, 和教育家, Elena Cahill has helped hundreds of individuals create new businesses. 她创立并担任正规的网赌平台学生企业家中心的前任主任,并在UB新的鲍尔霍尔创新中心的设计和实施中发挥了重要作用.”

The University took 首页 three of four prestigious awards from the recent American Council on Education CT Women’s Network (CTAWN). See student awards for the 第三 winner: 格拉迪斯·恩杰里·穆图里.

Tarek Sobh, PhD, P.E., executive vice president for the University 和 dean of the College of Engineering, 业务, 和教育获得了 CTAWN 2019 Friend of Women in Higher Education Award. 该奖项旨在表彰在康涅狄格州为女性创造完成高等教育和/或追求高等教育事业的机会而脱颖而出的个人.

琳达·帕斯洛夫,艾德.D., director of administrative operations in School of Education, was the recipient of the CTAWN 2019 Emerging Leader Award. 该奖项旨在表彰具有至少五年高等教育专业经验的女性,并在办公室的开发和/或运营方面发挥领导作用, 程序, 或在康涅狄格州显著促进女性学习和发展的服务.

马克·皮彻博士., 导演, Health Sciences Inter-Professional Research, was selected for a fellowship to join the 2019-20 Mayday Pain & Society Fellowship: Communicating Science & 改善护理计划.

正规的网赌平台 被认为是 Academy Curriculum Excellence in CCNA due to its contributions to the Cisco Networking Academy. 该奖项每年颁发给每个地区在课程教学方面取得卓越成就的一所学院. 思科网络学院正规的网赌平台采用严格的流程,根据学生的反馈分数和学生的表现来选择学院.

Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt博士, 获选为学习协助及发展教育协会理事会(CLADEA)会员. 入选该奖学金是授予学习协助和发展教育专业人士的最高荣誉.

弗洛·麦克弗森,ND, was elected to the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of 首页opathy, the oldest medical association in the U.S. 成立于1844年.

卡罗尔·帕普,DNP, MS, RN-BC, Dean of the 健康科学学院, is the recipient of the St. Anselm College (SAC) 2019 Health Service 校友 Award, which recognizes alumni or friends of the College for exceptional achievement in health care, 研究, 实践, 健康教育.

凯利迈耶, director of campus activities 和 civic engagement, 被费尔菲尔德县商业杂志评为2019年费尔菲尔德40位四十岁以下获奖者.

Ruba Deeb博士生物医学研究发展主任、生物医学工程副教授 & 技术管理, 被斯特拉特福青年和家庭伙伴关系授予证书,以表彰他做出非凡的改变和领导斯特拉特福(奖章).


格拉迪斯·恩杰里·穆图里, a UB graduate student, is one of two recipients of the CTAWN 2019 研究生 Student Scholarship. 她收到了2美元,该奖学金支持已被康涅狄格州研究生课程录取或目前正在就读的研究生,其学术兴趣是在社会正义或性别平等领域.

The American Council on Education also presented Gladys with a Woman Leader in Higher Education Award.

黛安娜Doodnauth, a first-year graduate student in the master’s 程序 in Global Development & 和平, 艾米Siranaula, 国际商务专业, 获重要语言奖学金(CLS)赴韩学习韩语(我校第十届、第十届CLS奖学金). CLS正规的网赌平台, 一项针对美国学生的强化海外语言和文化沉浸课程.S. colleges 和 universities, is sponsored by the U.S. 政府. CLS奖学金正规的网赌平台竞争非常激烈,只有10%的申请者成为获奖者.

UB工业设计专业学生 香港的粉丝 (日产) (杨 (沃尔沃), Haocong你们 (AAA) in UB’s Shintaro Akatsu School of Design placed first, 第三, 在纽约国际车展的交通安全设计竞赛中获得第五名, one of the biggest auto shows in the world with more than one million attendees. The students were awarded a total of $6,000 in prize money at the auto show’s World Traffic Safety Symposium. Richard Yelle, director of Shintaro Akatsu School of Design, served as the faculty advisor.

UB Biomedical Engineering students Pegi Haliti气吴, 和一个高中生一起, 在美国工程教育学会(American Society for Engineering Education)的竞赛中,在东北院校的本科生和研究生中排名第三. The competition included 60 研究 projects. 他们的正规的网赌平台名为“通过ECM安排控制癌症侵袭的计算方法”.Bhushan Dharmadhikari博士.D., a post-doctoral teaching fellow, served as the advisor 和 Prabir Patra, Ph.D., chair of biomedical engineering, as co-advisor. 纳瓦伦·古普塔博士.D., associate professor of electrical engineering, won the outst和ing campus representative award for both section 和 zone.

UB模拟联合国 delegation (12 students) won Outst和ing Delegation, the highest award at the National Model United Nations conference in New York. 布法罗代表团在联合国总部举行的会议闭幕式上受到表彰. Approximately 300 schools competed from all over the world. This is the second time that UB has been recognized with this honor. 魏南博士.D. 和 Miguel Arroyo serve as club advisors.

新晋长官.D. 毕业, 托马斯Nobili, received the 第三 place award for the best dissertation in the country, 这是4月份在多伦多举行的AERA(美国教育研究协会)年度大会上颁发给他的.

三名平面设计学生包揽了“品牌作品集”比赛的前三等奖 Connecticut 业务 Competition 和 Entrepreneur Conference, held at Gateway Community College, New Haven. 获奖学生是 Estefanic麦地那, 卫浴朱, Qiangying妞妞. They were presented with a trophy 和 cash prizes.

Luanelly·伊格莱西亚斯, a 2002 graduate of the School of Education with a degree in Elementary Education, 是乔治一世勋章的获得者吗. 桑切斯纪念奖. The award is given annually to an educator who promotes education for Hispanic children.